Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's way too early.

I am making my first appearance on Radio Go Girl this morning... I won't actually be appearing until Sunday on the podcast but we're recording this morning.  I hsve to rmember what I learned in Chicago last month.

Don't be a dud!

I'll try not to be but sometimes it's hard.

I think I'm still trying to wake up... this jet-setter lifestyle is wearing me down.

The talk of the gym last night was the gentleman who died on Sunday.  That really sucks.  I have to get re-certified in CPR soon... I always wonder what I would do in an emergency like that... I think I would probably freak out... but you never know.  I might come through.  I guess it happened shortly after I left the gym.


I should get moving have to warm up my voice for my appearance...

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