Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Hello? Is anybody out there?

What can I tell you?  I am happy to report that my visit to the Allergist went pretty well.  My lung function is pretty good and they re-tested me for allergies.  I am allergic to dust, grass, dogs and cats.  No trees (what a relief).... he gave me a prescription for Allegra, so when I do run and I start to breath through my mouth I won't react to all the crap I inhale...

Item number two; I don't teach on Tuesday nights anymore... hmmmm... it's kind of weird.... Monday and Wednesday will be fine though...  Mr. Arms touched MY arm yesterday!  woot woot!  I'm thinking maybe I should run tonight... my butt is really sore from my body sculpt class last night though....  oh, what I go through...

Item number three... I don't have an item number three... I was thinking last night that I'd have a lot to report this morning but now I can't remember anything... I guess that's what happens when you get old.

This is the window of Josephina at the American Girl Store  
You just start adding random pictures when you get old.... welcome to the club.

1 comment:

Jenergy said...

okay... you ARE NOT OLD... stop it with that crap. I love reading your posts.