Sunday, October 31, 2010

Editing and Censorship.

I am actually going to post about something other than my aching body.  Okay, I will probably revert by the end of the post because old habits die hard.

The other Jen Towner and I have a blog called Jenergy... she went in yesterday and deleted some posts. Including some of mine because she thought that they were downers - what do I have left if I'm not a downer???? nothing I say.

I just sent her a message saying that it bugged me a little bit.  Better to get it out in the air right?

Yesterday I went and picked up some end tables from my friend Nancy - and today I'll be picking up a sofa from her.  My mom and I also looked at beds yesterday - I bought a new one which will be delivered next Saturday.  woot woot....  I am trying to decide about cable television...  I want it, but can I afford it???   Oh the decisions I have to make.

Today is also Halloween - I should have thought of something for a costume for class - but no.  I have run out of time... 

I sure hope I can get everything done by next weekend... hmmm.  I guess I better get packing (again).

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