Saturday, October 30, 2010

Wierd Dreams.

I had dreams about wildlife... tigers eating water buffalo, coming after humans.  Sort of a nightmare... oh well.  I guess that's just because I have a lot going on.  I am worn out.

Mom and I are discussing trick or treating tomorrow night.  I'm not looking forward to it (and no, I'm not the one doing it).  I don't like having to hand out candy.  I guess it all comes down to my anti-social behavior.  Oh well.... maybe we'll just suck it up.  or go and hide.

Today is going to be busy - the usual ww, Starbucks, cycle, going to pick up end tables and then it's back to packing.  It's going to kill me... I know it is.

I need to get going... see if my eat only what you have plan is working....

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