Thursday, October 28, 2010

A little stiff

I am a little bit sore this morning.. nothing abnormal though... my shoulder always hurts in the morning.  I think it's because I sleep on my side and it gets all smooshed up... oh well - it could be worse right?

Work continues to be busy - I got a chance to go through some things on my desk and found some things that I had forgotten about - I hate when that happens... too busy for words I guess.... I am thinking I need to set up a tickler system on my calendar so I don't forget these sorts of things.

Today is going to be busy again... work, then acupuncture, and then I am subbing for cycle class (more money!)...  This weekend I'm going to have to get my act together and pack pack pack!  I also have to figure out who can help me move.  Maybe I'll post something on facebook to find out - start culling the masses.

but first - I think I need more coffee!

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