Friday, December 24, 2010

Sleeping in.

I slept in until 7 this morning.  That may not seem like a lot but it is for me.  Considering I fell asleep in the living room for three hours last night I am doing pretty well...  the only hitch was my upstairs neighbor waking me up at 2:30.

This morning I was thinking of going to the gym but I might skip that... I need to do laundry at some point and get a few gifts wrapped.  I am really only looking forward to my massage though...  I really need it. 

Yesterday I went to the Picasso Exhibit at the Seattle Art Museum.  It was pretty good - but it's designed to be a block buster... lots of people - crowded and warm.  I think I would have enjoyed it a bit more if I hadn't been so tired. 

I think I should probably get moving now... I don't want to run out of time and not be able to do what I want (like using the Nordstrom's gift card I received yesterday...). 

I will be back later with possibly some photos and other exciting things.

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