Thursday, January 27, 2011

Some work to be done.

Yesterday I finally got my act together and put together a blog for my latest art project...

here it is  Words on a Shirt

It will probably take me a bit to get it in order... and these are the only photos I've gotten back.

I'm thinking I also need to re-write my artist statement so its more in line with my work at the moment...  ah the life of an artist.

I think I am sort of ready for New York... sort of.  As usual, I think this will be more like a vacation for me instead of a work trip... if I had gotten my act together to line up some interviews that would have been ideal but oh well! 
This afternoon I have an acupuncture appointment  and I just left a message for the chiropractor to see if he can fit me in.  I think my neck is a bit wonky and it's making my shoulder very sore... I keep waking up with a knot in my shoulder blade - it's not fun. 

Gearing up for this weekend - I don't really have anything planned... I should prepare for marketing myself... hmmm..... maybe I'll do some cleaning.  Now that would be a miracle.

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