Wednesday, June 01, 2011

I'm still here.

I survived yesterday... I was busy 8am to 5:40 - with a 10 minute break for lunch....   it wasn't too bad though - it wasn't out of control busy - just busy...

I thought my knee was feeling better yesterday but last night and this morning it is feeling all weak again.  I did find a sub for my class tonight so we'll give it another day of rest.  I am going to make an appointment to get it checked out... better to know right?  Hopefully it's nothing too serious.  I can't really afford to not teach...  maybe I can start selling organs to pay for food...

I may have to suck it up and buy a bus pass this month.... I really like walking to work, but if my knee isn't cooperating... what can I do? 

Someone just needs to buy some of my artwork... right?  that's it....

Last night I had a semi melt down... just a "my knee hurts and I'm lonely sort of melt down".....  I'll get over it....  

did I mention that there's a dent in the hood of my car???  that's another thing I can't afford to get fixed...  gah!

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