Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Welcome to post number 2, 703.  It seems like just yesterday I did post number 1... okay, not really...  I've been doing this a long time.

I'm wore the sock on my foot last night and it managed to keep me up a bit, but it did make my foot feel better this morning.  I have an admission to make.  I actually considered purchasing those ugly coil shoes yesterday to make the pain go away...  What has happened to me?  I'm turning into an old lady.

On another note  - I submitted my claim on my car insurance yesterday - it's going to cost me $500 bucks... gah... The coverage I thought I had, I don't... I have to dig up my insurance policy and see why it  didn't transfer (when they changed over to Safeco from Liberty Mutual) the uninsured motorist coverage to it (that is if I had it on the old policy)......  if it's their mistake heads will roll... 

Well - I found my new policy... too bad I don't know how to read it, or what I'm looking for.... GAH.


The rest of this week will be filled with estimates - teaching - eating - and making t-shirts.

my life is full, yet uninteresting...

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