Monday, December 26, 2011

Good Night's Sleep

As I expected watching when Harry Met Sally helped my mood immensely - it's amazing that a movie that's over 20 years old can do that...  they don't really make them like that anymore.

I managed to sleep about 9 hours which was nice.  I did have to put in the earplugs sometime in the middle of the night because Mr. Clunky was being well, you know - clunky...

Today I have nothing on the agenda... I may clean up a bit and then go work out.  The apartment isn't too bad, but it could use some tidying...

For Christmas the dogs bought me a new pair of pajamas and a robe.  The robe is nice and comfy - it will alternate nicely with my Hello Kitty robe (and it won't show coffee I spill on myself - which I just did)...

This week I only work four hour days so I will take the opportunity to catch up on my energy and clean up... I also need to get ready for the Polar Bear Plunge on Sunday...  I do have an outfit to wear... just think pink sequins... 

CRAP!  I FORGOT TO HIT PUBLISH AGAIN...  oh well - 10 hours later, here you go!

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