Friday, August 17, 2012

Note to self - don't eat a bagillion cherries and not expect to have an upset tummy

yep...  Yesterday was a bit sketchy near the end... I made the mistake of eating cherries and an entire cucumber for lunch yesterday and it turned my tummy into a big mess... there really is no upside to this story... I actually thought to myself that I would be perfectly alright if I threw up on the street... you know you must feel bad when you don't care if you lose your lunch on the street corner.

I'm sure this is what you wanted to wake up to this morning right?

Tis going to be hot again today.  It got up into the 90's yesterday... might even be hotter today.  I think I will handle it better today because I won't have an upset tummy... 

My arms and chest ares still really sore from teaching body sculpt on Monday.  I thought they might start to feel a little better but I was wrong...  I guess they will feel better eventually.

This weekend I am busy with clothing parties, cleaning and taking art to my Dad's new room.  I don't know if I mentioned this, but Dad moved into a private room so he wouldn't be bothered by potential roommates.  He's a little cranky about the change (but when is he not cranky about things? it's part of his charm)...  I am taking in some of his old artwork to hang up in the room to hopefully raise his spirits.

My next big decision today is what I should wear to work.... it's going to be hot, but it's casual Friday... I don't want to wear jeans because I'll get all sweaty and gross.... oh the dilemma.

I'll let you know what I figure out.  That's all I've got today.

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