Saturday, November 24, 2012

This is happening now.

Woke up normalish time - 5:30.

Weighed in at WW and managed to hit my 8 week ww Thanksgiving challenge.  I was actually down 2.2 for a total of 7 pounds for the week.

That's pretty cool.

After ww I got the car washed, I think it might be raining now... oh well.

I walked around Greenlake then... I didn't swing by to see my Dad (I'm going tomorrow..)... I bought some socks, went home, and then went to a big brother clothing party...

Now I'm home.  There's a birthday party I may go to tonight, but I'm kind of worn out.

The parade yesterday was fun....  I will post some photos.

What else happened yesterday? Oh yeah, we won't talk about the Apple Cup but we will discuss trapped in a closet... it was pretty good.

Here are dog/parade photos...

this was the breakfast I ate when we were done!

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