Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve is here.....

Yep - it's Christmas Eve... I have made it through the majority of the Holiday Season in a fairly good mood for the first time in years (I realize the majority of it is yet to come, but I'm going to venture out on a limb and say I'm doing well).

I am one of the fortunate ones that gets to go into work today...  I am not going to complain - at least I have a job...  I work until noon and then I am going to head to the gym for a last chance work out.

I only have one more gift left to buy and wrap...  and then I'm heading over to my sisters house for dinner (I'm going to have to work out extra hard to get rid of some of that prime rib I'm going to eat)...

Sleeping in (okay it's not really sleeping in) was nice this morning.  I don't mind getting up early to teach, but it's nice to spend some time in the morning just pooping around my apartment...

This weekend I tried to made peanut brittle but it didn't work out... it's a little overdone.... I guess the Weight Watcher Gods are looking after me I guess... Damn them.

I don't know much more than that.

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