I trugged through the day yesterday and managed to find a sub for my 6:30 class - I ended up falling asleep on the sofa around 8 and slept soundly through the night.
After talking to my sister yesterday morning I guess I'm not the only one who didn't sleep. The mind get's going and boom, there you are.
She went to visit my Dad yesterday and he was sleeping (what a surprise)... but he was actually sleeping on his side which is not normal... but it's nice, He appeared comfortable. He's not eating much and it appears as though he's ready to go. He's always been stubborn and he does what he wants to do so I wouldn't expect it to be any other way.
I am hoping to swing by soon (still coughing a bit but I don't think I'm contagious)...
One of my favorite Dad stories is probably not going to put him in the "Father of the Year" category but it is very telling of how he worked.
When I was in my teen years and I was going through my time of the month and had horrible cramps he gave me half a valium to help. I'm sure giving your child prescription drugs is not the answer to those sorts of problems nowadays but he did what he could do.
I did a piece of artwork as an homage to my Dad for my 2009 Show at Gallery4Culture, I have posted a link below
Take Good Care of Yourself
It's my favorite piece of work I've ever made (I think)... If you ever want to hear the whole thing let me know - I think I can find it.
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