Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sleepin in (not)

I could have slept in today - I made it 'til 6:20...

Today is the first of two memorial services for my Dad.  I am taking the day off as a precaution... I think today's service will be pretty low key.  It's going to be at the Hearthstone.  It's for the people he lived with for the past 9 years or so, and his care-givers.

The people at the Hearthstone were wonderful to my father.  He wasn't always the most warm and fuzzy person in his last years, but they were very patient and loving towards him.  They took really good care of him and I am grateful for that.

For the most part I think I'm holding up pretty well.  I have most visceral reactions when I read what former students have written about my Dad... he was a great educator and was very loving towards all of his students.  He meant a lot to everyone he taught.  There are a lot of kids who turned into writers.  It's really nice....  I didn't turn into a writer (okay, maybe I'm wrong - look what I'm doing here...)... I think I turned into more of a visual story teller.  It's nice to think of that legacy.

What else is going on...  I'm hoping that my Dad will send me some help in cleaning up my apartment.

I think it was him who initiated the car accident which will result in the repair of my/our car.  It's a bit of a hassle, but just another one of those things.

Okay, I am officially getting distracted so I better get a move on.

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