Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Jen + Sugar = icky tummy

My experiment with cake went just about how I expected it to.  I felt sick and gross.

I got home last night and had to shove large quantities of steamed broccoli into my system to counteract the sugar.

I am feeling a bit better this morning, but still not great.

The Birthday went pretty well minus not taking a lunch break because it was too stinking busy at work.

One thing that did happen was the partners did get me a gift certificate for the big brother clothing party for all the work I've been doing.  That was nice (although it's not a trip to Hawaii).  I will take it and say thank you.

A lot going on around the office - we are winding down on the remodel.  I should have a desk by Monday. I am going to have a ton of space.... I will take photos when I get a chance. (and when it's done)...  We are also interviewing someone for the Legal Assistant position... she's a ringer.  Sort of like I was a ringer when when they hired me (although I don't think they knew how awesome I would turn out to be when they hired me).  I think we are taking this person to lunch this week because they want our (the staffs) opinion on her.

Today I am going to ride my bike again into work.  Now that I have the initial ride out of the way I think it should be easier... I think - could be wrong.

I actually slept in until 6 this morning - sleeping in yesterday was a good thing to do... I may see about getting a sub more often...  I like sleeping.

46 so far is okay...

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