Sunday, May 19, 2013

I'm here, don't worry.

I have been enjoying my three day weekend.  Here is my report.

Friday I slept in until almost 7am, did some errands and then visited my puppies.  Stinky is doing alright... I don't think that she's on deaths door... she's still barking and demanding treats.

Yesterday I ran in the Seattle's Best 15k race.  I ran it in a little over an hour and a half.  Not too bad for no training.  My body really hurts today from being a shock absorber..  I will survive.

I rearranged furniture yesterday so I am still trying to get used to the new layout of the living room.. 

I met someone for coffee yesterday afternoon too... it went pretty well and I think we're going to go out again.  I will keep you updated, but not too updated.  Don't want to jinx anything.  He didn't give me the creeps and he seems normal enough.

Today I am teaching and then I have to go to a camp meeting this afternoon.  That's it. 

I feel the need to clean a bit... but I also feel the need for more coffee...


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