Thursday, May 16, 2013


Once again it's a Thursday which feels like Friday, but this Thursday really is my Friday.
woo hoo...

I have been riding my bike (sort of)... to and from work.  Last night I rode home in my jeans... I think I may just get the hang of things...

Tonight I am going to be meeting my friend Matt after work for Happy Hour, then I am coming home to watch the series finale of the Office. As someone who considers themselves a semi-loner, television series become friends of sort... it was always nice to have someone to hang out with you, but don't actually ask you any questions or demand anything of you.

I have a coffee date on Saturday.  That should be interesting.

I'm also running a 15k on Saturday morning.  I hope I don't die.

I'm also thinking about making some changes to my professional life... no, I'm not quitting any job.  Just thinking about expanding my skill set.

Stinky is still plugging along... I'm feeling a little bit guilty about not doing anymore tests, but there's a fine line between drawing out a pet's life/spending too much money... bah...  I suppose if she lived in the wild, she would have been gone long before this...  I'm a little sad, but I'll be okay.

That's it...

Goodbye Dunder Mifflin.

that's what she said...

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