Saturday, August 24, 2013

Good Night Sleep

It has become apparent that being in a good mood wears me out.  I had to go to bed before 9pm last night.

I started finding myself wandering into the kitchen and randomly putting things into my mouth. At this point I decided to go to bed instead of risking any weigh in this morning.

Today I need to finish up my apartment organization and get ready for the party tomorrow... I've done some rearranging so things aren't so crowded in my living room.  I do have to go through the drawers in my bedroom dresser to weed out some clothing I don't wear anymore.  It's a process... 

I think my fingernail wound from Last Saturday is healing.. I think I just got it caught on something and punctured it - it's not bruised but there is some blood dried underneath it.  It's not photo worthy so you are safe.

Yesterday I got my new passport in the mail. I also received a copy of the AAA Journey Magazine which had a picture of the Basilica of La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.  If that is not a sign I don't know what is.  I had just been talking about going to Spain earlier in the week.  I don't know - but there are a lot of signs about a lot of things recently..

I think I shall wrap up now... I have a lot to do today.  If anything exciting happens I will be sure to let you know here first!

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