Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Aftermath

The wedding last night was very nice (and I looked great!).

It was nice to see some of my camp friends. I had a good time eating too! I ran along side the no sweats bandwagon by eating some ice cream and wedding cake... it was worth it though.

I really enjoy not working... I mean really enjoy it.

I don't really ever want to go back..

I have done almost absolutely nothing when it comes to cleaning up my apartment... Okay, I've done a little bit but I have a long way to go...

The good news I have today is that I have one more day off!  and I got a lot of compliments on how I looked last night... here's a photo.

I realize that this is just a profile and it wasn't taken at the wedding...

Here's one photo that was taken at the wedding - they had a photo booth and I posed with my friend Debbie.

Yeah - it was fun...

maybe someday I'll have a wedding... but at the rate I'm going I would highly doubt it. I can't even get a stinking date.

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