Friday, August 16, 2013


Well - I made it.  Here is what I know.

Treats this morning.
Ate (half) a burger the size of a baby's head yesterday.
Took some nice photos of my friend Jenna down at the Seattle Center.
Ant guy coming on Monday to get rid of my friends that have returned.

This weekend I am going to clean (this time I mean it).  My place isn't actually bad, but need to recycle some papers and organize clothes.

I am really really tired. I got into work at 7am yesterday and didn't get home until 8:30...

Here are a few of the photos I took last night. It turns out that I deleted some of the photos I took of Jenna (I have more but it will take me time to get more downloaded).

that's it - I have to be at work at 8 so that they can take photos of our space.


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