Sunday, September 15, 2013


The whirlwind continues...

Yesterday was non stop one thing after another...

I only gained three pounds at ww yesterday... then I was off...  Workout, visit the dogs, appointment at the salon and then I went to a memorial service for my friend Sarah's father... he died on Labor Day and hadn't been well for a while.  We have been there for each other over the past few years because we both had issues with our fathers. I found comfort in my friends being at my dad's service so I thought I should go to hers...

After that I braved the rat maze of Ikea and finally got the tables I've been after.  I was only there for an hour so that's good... once I got home I did laundry and by the time all was said and done It was 10:00...  Where is my weekend going??

Today - the usual... teaching, cleaning, watching football....

I think that's it.  I may go to the farmers market and get some flowers... because I'm a girl and I like to do that.

then I will clean some more...

Things continue to be looking up... I feel good... things are groovy.

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