Wednesday, November 06, 2013


I knew it was going to happen sooner or later.

I had a really unsatisfactory day yesterday but I am going to do my best to turn it around today.

Overall it just was crappy - too busy at work, my legs are still recovering from my stair training and then as I was getting ready to teach my class last night I stepped funny and sent my left glute into a spasm that had me make noises that I didn't know I could make.  The pain in my butt and hip was such that I even had to take the bus home.  It's a bit better today but it's not great. I am going to take it easy today and use ice and my foam roller.

I think it's just a muscle spasm... I hope it's just a muscle spasm...

I will be better today... I think a lot of it is attitude... so I am going to be positive that things will be okay. I will fake it til I make it.

I think I will drive into the office today because I'm not sure I could walk home fast enough after work in order to get to the gym on time.

I did a little emotional eating last night but I tracked it all on my ww tracker... I polished off almost a whole loaf of Safeway french bread with butter and some Beecher's flagship cheddar.  It was what I needed to do.

This morning I am feeling better - I just purchased tickets to go to Chicago in February for the CAA conference.  I'm looking forward to being able to hang out with my art friends for a while... I miss them a lot.  I miss being part of a good art community - It will be good to be back.

See - even now I feel better just thinking about it.  yay!

Okay - I think I'm done with the rant... I am determined to make today better... I've been in too good of a mood lately to let this small hiccup bring me down.

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