Thursday, January 23, 2014

Fake it 'til you make it.

When I'm teaching my cycle class I often tell new students to fake it 'til you make it... I continue to fake it... I have said it before - I am feeling better... but it doesn't mean I am over everything... I had to fake it a little bit yesterday... not too much but still - you think things are pretty good and then you think about something that was said and your heart sinks a little bit...

I will just keep faking it.

I have a few updates though...

First of all - I am going to go to church on Sunday. I don't usually go to church because I teach - I found a church that has services on Sunday afternoons at 1:30... my friend Katy is the youth minister there so  I am going to check it out... I find that I feel better in that sort of community so I am going to seek out that feeling more consistently.

Next up... my Tuesday night cycle class is being taken off the schedule.. yippee! I like teaching but I am looking forward to having another night to do what I want to do. (Stair training maybe???)...

Finally - I am making dates with old friends... I am meeting a girl I went to High School with on Saturday for a walk with her dogs and then another friend on Sunday... I'm looking forward to increasing my circle of friends and opening myself up to new experiences.

Changing the way I think is going to reap benefits... I've been reading a lot, losing the iPad at night to fall asleep to - I'm sleeping a heck of a lot better because of that choice. Trying to cut down on the noise in my brain...

I will continue to fake it (although I'm not really faking it - I'm working it...)...

I will make it.

more photos from my weekend...

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