Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What's been happening...

I am on a whole new level.

You never quite know how hard things have been until you feel better...

I have been focusing a lot on expressing gratitude recently.. I found this website for the Greater Good Science Center... it has given me a bunch of good resources.

I am finding that if I practice (or articulate) what I am grateful for it improves my mood, therefore I am going to keep doing it.

The past four days have been transformative... a lot of things are in process - things are going to change... expressing gratitude is opening up new possibilities  and I am feeling less sadness and anxiety...

I've got a lot of things in the works - both personally and professionally... not anything too big but getting jolted out of my stupor has resulted in the start of something.

Today I am grateful for my friend John. It he hadn't been such a douche I wouldn't be feeling so good right now (good does not equal perfect)...

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