Monday, December 31, 2007

Fedex is watching me...

I checked into my stats counter and someone who works at Fedex checked out my blog. Now don't get me wrong, I have never had any major problems with Fedex before - it's just that twice in one day having things be f'd up is just not right.

I will probably use them again but when they lose a box of yours and don't even tell you? That sucks.

The family get together was nice yesterday. I got pictures of my cousin Tracy's feet. They are beautiful in their own deformed way... I'm not going to post a picture of them, you'll just have to wait until I have a show.

Tonight I am supposed to go out with my lovely assistant Kristen. I haven't seen her since I got back from New York. We are most likely going to see a movie and have dinner. I've been into movies lately - Juno still is my favorite....

In case I don't get back here today - everyone have a safe New Year's Eve and I hope you all get lucky as the clock strikes midnight.

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