Thursday, February 21, 2008

I think I've finished my application...

I decided to forgo the gym this morning and instead work on my grant application. I have to mail it today. As with all things I end up waiting until the last minute. It's not that I procrastinate it's just that I am always revising things up to the end.

I suppose I should just get used to it.

I think it's done. I just have to cut and paste my project description. How do you concisely speak about stalking Ann Curry? It's a talent I guess.

Today at work we will be up to a full staff which is nice (I didn't hang up on anyone yesterday)...

I guess I should get the lead out! See you later... and remember to go to Crawl Space on Saturday for our talk by SAM curator Marisa Sanchez about our show Coming Of Age.

See you there!

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