Friday, March 30, 2012


Okay, after a few days off I am back.

I must say I do appreciate not feeling as though I have to post to the blog every day....  I might take breaks more often.

I was feeling a bit bogged down by it all... feeling as though I had to post every day - I don't have to do anything.

things are going along as usual - I'm cranky - I'm eating too much - my body hurts - I'm poor

I am highly dissatisfied with things right now...  it will change - it always does.

I came across this yesterday when I was renewing my car tabs online...  I think I'm going to post it around my neighborhood...

People just don't know how to drive around them...  it isn't that hard...  it's to the right!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Katniss Barbie

The heroine of the Hunger Games is Katniss.

They are making a Barbie out of her.  That's kind of cool.....  Kicking ass in a post-apocalyptic world...

I got the word yesterday that my big brother clothing shipped so I'm pretty excited about wearing new clothes on Friday....

I'm thinking I may take a few days off from the blog and see how it goes... knowing me I won't be able to not do it...   so, if I don't post tomorrow, don't worry (and don't send me emails through my website - too hard to retrieve those).....  I'll be back!

Tonight I am running to my Dad's place and retrieving the last of the things from it.... there's some framed prints and a chair...  hopefully I'll be able to fit it all in my car.  It will be good to see Dad.  It's been a few weeks since I've seen him.  I guess the day we moved his stuff out he was asleep the whole time... 

That's all I know today.  Be strong - I'll be back.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Another Monday

Here I sit in my clean apartment.  I wonder how long the clean will last this time... 

My party yesterday was a success.  The cheese ball I made was a success.

Same old things this week. Work, teach, work, teach, work, teach...  that's it.

Here's Lenny again.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

I should be cleaning...

I woke up early to get some stuff put away...  it's not happening just yet.  Give me a few more minutes.

The high point of my day yesterday was getting my acupuncture/massage treatment...  my shoulders and back were a mess...  They are still sore, but they are feeling better.

Today I teach and then I am having people over for a Big  Brother clothing party...  I use the term Big Brother because one time I had a party and invited people to it over my blog.  They have a secret service/blog patrol which spotted the post and wanted me to take it down.  D-bags.

They make cute clothes though...

I guess I should get up off the sofa and get cleaning...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I will marry Lenny Kravits

Okay, the chances are slim that I will actually marry him, but he sure is nice to look at.

My review of the Hunger Games?

Thumbs up.  I wasn't disappointed.  There are some movies that you watch that you don't think are worth the ticket price.  This is not one of those.

I don't have much time to sit around...  I've got a ton of things to do today in order to prepare for the Big-Brother clothing party I'm having tomorrow....   gotta get everything cleaned up.

I will leave you with this!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Dweeb to the 10th Degree

Tonight I am going to see the Hunger Games and I'm pretty excited about it... okay, I'm mostly excited about seeing Lenny Kravitz in it...  and all the action.  Woot woot.

Last night I came home and didn't do a lot....  I should have cleaned, but I didn't...  I should have re-organized things, but I didn't.  I did do the dishes so that's one thing I've got going for me...  I also sat around and ate cheese, potato chips and various other carbs for dinner...  When I step on the scale this morning it's not going to be pretty.

This weekend is going to be freaking stinking busy...  but I will get through it.  I'm looking forward to my acupuncture/massage tomorrow...  I tweaked my back last weekend from all the box moving.  I will survive, but it will be better after my appointment.

Tomorrow I am subbing the cycle class that was taken away from me I used to teach at the gym and then I'm meeting a friend from High School for lunch.  Hopefully I will get a chance to swing by and visit my Dad.  Maybe tomorrow afternoon for a quick visit. 

Sunday is not going to be any less busy...  oye.  Who wants to come over and help me clean up my apartment?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A day off!

I finally have an evening off tonight.  I am officially exhausted and I'm pretty excited about it.  Last night I slept about 8 hours straight and I didn't get woken up by Mr. Clunky.  It was nice.

Here are my updates -

I found someone to go to the Hunger Games with me tomorrow...

I didn't totally damage my sofa when I tried to clean it yesterday morning...  it only looks slightly damaged...

I think that's all I know...  I'm pretty tired so I think I will just leave it at that...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

In a nutshell

I borrowed a carpet/upholstery cleaner for my new sofa and messed it up (the sofa, not the cleaner).

I bought tickets to see the Hunger Games on Friday - now I just need to finagle one of my friends to go with me...

I started moving things into my new storage locker...  fun times.

I'm really tired and cranky.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What do I know?

Busy day yesterday.  I was highly efficient at work... firing on all cylinders.  That usually doesn't happen...

I'm not really into typing this morning so I will share some photos I've taken over the past few days...

This is a collection of things from my Dad's Medicine Cabinet... the English Leather has been there for approximately 20 years I think...  I thought it was a good idea to take a photo of the items in situ.


These next photos are from the loading dock at the Hearthstone... I think it's where old shopping carts go to die...

Finally this is my new/old sofa and chairs...
I actually have grownup furniture!

yesterday I got another storage locker in the basement...  sometime this week I need to move some stuff down there.....   I also need to gather things for my Big Brother Clothing party...  too bad I can't say their name anymore...

Tonight I am subbing at the gym.... woot woot... more money... but less time.

Okay - I can hear my coffee cup calling my name.

later people!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Coming to you from a real sofa...

Here I sit on my new/old sofa...  it's been a long time since I had a real sofa...  I think it's been about late 80's...

Yesterday was a long day, and nobody got hurt...  I take that back, I got a sliver in my finger from one of my Dad's pieces of furniture.

There were a lot of his neighbors at the Hearthstone that mentioned how much they like my Dad, but they noticed that his health has been in decline...  he's a really sweet guy (even if he did semi-guilt me into buying a used bike for my 13th birthday...)...

I don't really have much to say this morning other than that...  work will be busy again this week...  maybe I can relax on Thursday night...

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Ode to a blue futon.

This morning I sit on my futon for the last time

okay, maybe it's not the last time - but for now it's going into storage...

you have served me well, letting me sit on you day after day... we have typed blogs together, watched the Today show together... I've spilled coffee on you.. you didn't complain... 

I love you.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

I better post before I get busted...

Bruce (one of my regular readers) sent me a message wondering where my post was this morning...  I know, I know.... you've all been wondering what happened to me.... corned beef and a very busy schedule happened to me.

Woke up this morning and had to put my corned beef in the slow cooker and then get off to ww... only up .4 pounds.  whew....



Packing at my Dad's...   I have inherited a Bose sound system temporarily - just need to figure out how to set it up...  I've also inherited some other nicknacks...  tonight I have to get my apartment organized so that I can receive a sofa and two chairs...  maybe I can sleep next weekend.

Okay, my friend Melinda is here so I have to go!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Some good news finally

Okay, so yesterday wasn't too bad after all...

First - I got a free doughnut when I got to work in honor of the Rack opening in my building.

Second - I found a pair of tennis shoes just like my old ones at the Rack.

Third - I was notified that I made the roster for the Storefronts Seattle program - they take empty storefronts and put art in them.... it's not a guarantee that my artwork will go into a storefront, but it made the cut and they will draw from the pool as places become available....  who knew my t-shirts would take me this far...

Finally - I got my hair done and that always makes me feel good...

and then I bought a tank of gas and realized that I can't eat for the next week and a half because I am poor...

Tonight I am really really really looking forward to my Entertainment Weekly/Bathtub appointment...  it's been a busy week.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I am poor.

Today is payday, yet I am poor.

I should be used to this by now.

I was going to drive into work today because I need to go get my hairs cut tonight but then I realized that the Rack opens in our building today and I probably won't be able to find parking.  That's no good.

Maybe I should risk it.... I suppose I could just drive back home and walk if I have issues.

Not much to report.  At work we are compiling an email list to send out an email blast. It's tedious work but it keeps me out of the kitchen for the most part.  My only downfall is that it's Candy Week at Bartell and I have a certain weakness for Big Hunks.

Better get a move on, this body is not going to shower itself...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Snooze fest.

I hit the snooze button a few times this morning...  hence the short post.

Nothing new to report...

I subbed cycle class last night and afterwards some guy came up and told me he really liked my class.  It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

I was thinking yesterday that I might be losing my mind... too much going on and I keep forgetting things that I have to do.... that's alright.  As long as I keep getting reminded of things I think I'll be alright.

Two important things to leave you with this morning. 

1.  Tomorrow is payday (and the Rack opens in my building)
2.  It's Candy Week at Bartell.... buy one, get one free... including my favorites (Annabell's Big Hunk).

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


It's chilly out this morning and I am huddled under my blanket to deliver this timely blog post to you.

I would just love to stay here today but I can not... 

Last night I watched Hoarders... I cleaned up some more...

I don't have much to say today... still feeling pretty good.  I rate yesterday at a 7.5, not too bad if you ask me.

I guess Ben picked Courtney last night on the Bachelor - It's a good thing I don't watch it... I'm sure I'd be pissed off regarding his decision...

I think that's all the smart-ass commentary I have today.

I have to conserve my energy... the Rack opens up in my office building this week...  I will be in shoe heaven.

Monday, March 12, 2012

A nap might be nice...

I am happy to report that I did some cleaning yesterday...

I don't know what got into me...  but I got rid of a bunch of papers that were cluttering up the place.... 

Oh, I know what got into me...  I started watching Hoarders: Buried Alive on TLC and I started thinking that maybe I should pick some stuff up.  I'm not a hoarder, but I'm sure if I had a mental break it would just be a short trip to there inevitably being a dump truck being placed in the courtyard of my building and them shoveling junk into it.

Sometimes I just don't throw things away...

I have a bunch of pillow packing that I should probably just deflate and throw away...   (but I was going to use it for an art project).... yeah, that's what those hoarders say before they are confronted by their angry relatives...

Next topic -

Dad seemed pretty good yesterday.  I am feeling better about things in that regard.  I know it's going to be an ongoing low grade sort of stress, but all I can do is just take it one day at a time...

I took my ear seeds out on Saturday... I seem to be pretty calm... that's good.

Final Topic -

This week is payday.  I will also make my final payment on my residency... that will be nice to have a bit more money to shuffle out to my debtors...

A storms a coming today... batten down the hatches...  better yet, go back to bed.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hola and how are you?

Nothing exciting to report.

No drama.

Fairly uneventful day yesterday, I got a bunch of errands done and then hung out on the sofa until I went to dinner with my best friend from High School...

This morning I finally took the ear seeds out of my ears.  I think the crisis has passed for now.

Today I have to do laundry or I will end up being naked when I teach tomorrow...  I am going to go visit my Dad and see how things are going.. 

I better get a move on.  I don't think I can teach with my robe on.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Short Update...

Nothing eventful happened yesterday - which is good.

I slept through the night again - which is good.

Today I get to take my damaged suitcase to Tukwilla - which is good.

I may spend the rest of the day napping...

Friday, March 09, 2012


Things are better today.

The meeting yesterday went well and last night was the first time I've slept through the night in a while...

Long story short... they are making some adjustments to my Dad's meds to see if they help with his nighmares/delusions and we are giving up his assisted living apartment...

This will cause some a bit of a disruption but it will be best money wise...

I must say I'm very impressed with the people at the Hearthstone... all very nice and caring.  I'm glad Dad move in there when he did...  it's making this whole transition easier.

I don't have much more to say this morning... I think I will just spend the rest of my time on the sofa with my coffee...   if I could take the day off I would... 

Thursday, March 08, 2012


I think I slept fairly well last night... there were a few times I woke up and my heart was beating a little bit faster than normal... but I don't feel completely exhausted....  that's good.

Although I think the meeting with my Dad will be a bit challenging I'm glad we're going to make some decisions...  and I just want to get the information so then we can act.  Although I'm not much of a pray-er I did give a little shout out to whoever/whatever is out there to help my family make it through all this. 

I managed to eat regularly yesterday... the stress diet had left me a little too stressed to eat normal and that had resulted in about a 5 pound weight loss in the past week...  not that I mind too much, but it's not something I can keep up long term with healthy benefits...  Hopefully the stress diet doesn't come back today.

I also managed to do dishes this morning - although the stress diet means less dishes (more coffee cups and dirty chicken soup bowls...)  - it was time to do them.  Now I just have to clean the rest of the apartment... maybe this evening??

I can dream can't I?

Yesterday I became an official nerd by watching a live blog of the Media Event unveiling the new iPad...   what has become of me???  If I could afford it I would get one... but I can't, so I won't...

It's really pretty don't you think?

I don't have anything else to say this morning...  keep those good vibes coming my way!

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Halfway there...

It's Wednesday!

I managed to sleep pretty well last night until Mr. Clunky decided to tromp around at 3:30 in the morning...   maybe I will leave him a note...  thank goodness for earplugs.

I don't have much to report with the exception that I finished my book so now I have to figure out what's next.  I must say it has kept me from eating too much (it keeps my hands busy)...

Tomorrow there is a care conference for my Dad... we will get the lowdown on what's happening and figure out the next steps in his care.  It's hard, because he physically seems alright (besides the weakness) but mentally he is getting worse.  It's hard to see the decline, and it's hard to see other people deal with it as well..... I am fortunate enough to have a lot of friends out there to help me... that's what I am truly thankful for.  I can't control how other people react, but I can control how I do. 

A friend of mine posted this penguin cam yesterday which I find very helpful when trying to cheer up

Streaming Live by Ustream

Today I will work and then teach - I almost went ballistic yesterday when we were trying to decide on new firm business cards....   I actually had to walk away from the office...  (I guess I'm a bit more stressed than usual)...  oh well... it will be better today.

I think that's all I know this morning...

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Just keep breathing...

I find it interesting how people handle things in completely different ways....  I try to be gentle when dealing with people and situations and others just try to control everything and everyone...  I just have to remember to keep breathing... and pressing on those ear seeds.

I didn't have a terrific night's sleep, but I did get some...

Yesterday at work was fairly busy...  my ear seeds must be working because if they weren't we would not have a functioning photocopier... but that's just a small aspect of things... overall things were steady to keep my mind off of things out of my control.

Tonight I am subbing at the gym and that's good too...

I am almost finished with Hunger Games trilogy... just two chapters left....  I may have to find another book to read when I'm done...  who knew this would happen to me???

Here's a cute puppy to make you feel all warm and gushy inside...

Monday, March 05, 2012


I took a couple of Tylenol PM's last night and now I'm feeling a bit hungover... but at least I slept pretty well.

I had a good visit with my Dad yesterday and it did much to relieve my anxiety...  He's puttering along...  I am very thankful for the care he is getting and just have to remember to take care of myself first and then I can handle almost anything.

I found an article on the ear seeds yesterday and posted it on Facebook.  It turns out that a few friends of mine have worn them at some time or the other.  One friend is currently wearing them for stress - she's in school, and her father had a stroke recently and she's having a similar situation... another friend said she wore them after her father died and they helped her with the grief.....  I see a connection here.  Yesterday was definitely a more "calm" day for me.

This week is going to be fairly busy.  I am teaching Today through Wednesday and I am going to a care conference for my Dad on Thursday...  I will probably be pressing those seeds big time...  that's what they are there for right?

I suppose at some point I should do some cleaning around my apartment... ah... who knows.

I will leave you this morning with a drawing my niece Katie made for me...

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Feeling better

The acupuncture treatment did it's trick.

She hit my sadness points, my tired areas and gave me some seed type things in my ears to press on if I ever feel stressed out.  I managed to sleep about 10 hours last night, I woke up a few times, but that's because the neighbors next door had a party and Mr. Clunky started walking around at 3:30.

I stopped by my dad and saw him for a few minutes so that made me feel better too.   He looked alright.  I just get overly stressed out when I haven't seen him for a while and I just imagine how he's doing...  it's never usually as bad as I think.  I am going to go over this afternoon and spend some more time with him, and then I think I will come home and sleep some more.  I still feel wiped out after all that sleep.

Yesterday I also sent an email to all my close camp friends and a few others to let them know what was happening... I thought it was very enlightened of me to do that and ask them for support.  It's nice to know you have people watching your back.

I think today will be better.  No, I know today will be better.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Last post was ominous

I realize I should clarify on my post of this morning.

It all comes down to my father.  He's not doing well and I am trying to prepare for the inevitable, but it's hard.  I just have to go through it.  I have sent messages to my camp friends to ask for their help and prayers to get through this, and even thought it's going to be hard, I'm going to get through it.

I just have to remember to keep breathing, remember that it's okay to cry (where's the tissues?) and ask for help when I need it.

I am also using good stress relievers - exercise, tea, and I have my acupuncture appointment this afternoon and I'll made sure she hits my sadness points to help with the blues.

Okay, I have to get moving again.  I have to stop by my Dad's place and see him for a few minutes on my way to my appointment.

Keeping up appearances.

Last night was the worst night of sleep in recent memory... I kept waking up - it must have been about every hour or so...  I haven't slept this poorly since I found out I had to move to Chicago and was filled with anxiety about all the details.

Today I will attempt to get through the day without too much anxiety.

I better get a move on.

Friday, March 02, 2012

Things I saw last night that I liked...

Tim Roda at Greg Kucera

Just Because I'm a Girl at Punch Gallery - Sarah Haven

Gala Bent - The Geology of Longing at G. Gibson Gallery

There is also a series of little sculptures by Timea Tihanyi at Soil

I am glad I went out last night... a lot of ceramic things...  I also got to play with clay at Soil - it made my hands a little burny though...  oh allergies, how I love thee...

I am owly - so doing something out of the norm is good.  It just makes me want to make things though... I just need more time. 

The owly-ness comes from a place of sadness.  My dad is not doing so well and It stresses me out.  The stress makes me just want to eat those stupid susan cookies and take a lot of baths...

It's just life I know, but it's hard.  I shall get through it all...

Tomorrow I have an acupuncture/massage appointment.  I'll make sure she gets my sadness points (they do have those) when she pokes me.  Hopefully it will also help my foot - it's been better generally, but it still hurts.  I wish my body would just cooperate and heal...  the knee is pretty good - if just the foot would get getter... I have dreams of running again and it makes me cranky.

Tomorrow night I have a dinner date with my niece and my mom...  that should be fun too...

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Today I will act like an artist.

It's first Thursday once again and I will once again pretend to be an artist who is interested in other people's work.

Actually there are  shows at Soil and at Greg Kucera that I am interested in so I will pace myself at work today so that I may be able to fully enjoy myself.  Oh, and I just saw that the Faculty from UW school of art have a show too so I guess I will be schmoozing tonight...  I should probably take a little extra time getting ready so I don't look like a schlub.

I don't have much to report other than that.