So, today was my 39th Birthday and I ate my way through Chicago. Well, actually I weighed in this morning and I have stayed the same the past week. I think since this morning I have probably gained 6 pounds. I'll go weigh myself when I'm done and let you know for sure.
As I said, today is my birthday... I got calls from all of my family, my nephew Max tried to sing to me and then asked for Grandma Shirley (who lives in Seattle). My friends Deborah and Matt called me as well, (Malyn emailed me yesterday!)... it is really good to have a few good friends who remember those special days.
Today Hilary and I went to the Magnificent Mile, Navy Pier and Wrigley Field. We then had my birthday dinner at the Weber Grill. It's was alright, but it wasn't as good as I had hoped it would be. We both had prime rib and baked potatoes. We ordered it medium but it was well done, and the horsradish wasn't spicy enough. I managed to eat most of it though... I am going to have to live off my fat stores for the rest of the week.
Okay, back to Matt. He is one of my best friends in the entire world. He is the type of friend everyone should have (I think he must have been a woman in a former life because he's not like normal men). He always is very thoughtful, and remembers birthdays and such. He sent me an Easter card last week, it was nice for him to remember. He works for the money grubbing assholes that I worked for a long long long time ago.. He also writes screenplays... he's changing one into a novel which I think will be good.
I could tell more about Matt but I think children read my blog... more later, I'm tired.