It's not really hard, but I would really like to be sleeping in today.
I have a bit too much going on this week... meetings, house sitting, and then there's that thing called a job. It would be nice if I didn't have to do all those things.
I think I mentioned a while back that my face was hurting... it still is and I think I'll break down and call the dentist tomorrow. He's not open today so I'll have to wait. I woke up yesterday and my jaw was aching.... not nearly as bad as when I had to have my root canal but still.
I think I really like this new computer my momma has... bigger screen, more groovy applications... maybe I'll get my act together and figure out how to get my laptop hooked up the the cable... I'm sure I can do it but it just take initiative on my part.
Yesterday's post forgot to include a cinnamon roll.... that was good.
Saturday was busy but good. I went to a birthday party of a former camper of mine who turned 30. Boy, where do the years go? In fact there were a bunch of former campers there and a lot of them are married and some even have kids (okay only two were married but you know....). Yikes! Where has all the time gone? Last night as I was having dinner with my mom at Claire's Pantry I realized that I'll be sixty in only 19 years... I know that sounds like a long time, but when you really think about it it's not.
Everyone out there whose not doing what you want to do JUST DO IT! You don't want to wake up when you're 40 or 50 and not be satisfied with your life....
Okay, I better get off my butt and get ready for work...